I have battled and lost, Struggled and won;

I have had victory in defeat, and defeat in victory;

I will never be over-matched or unprepared;

This is who I am and who I will always be;center>

I am a Firefighter!!

Sunray Crest fire Mobile Graphics Fire Apple Farm Fire
Thruway Trailer Fire Nolans Fire Trailer Fire

Above are all the major fires I have been a part of since my 2016 "debut" in the fire service.

From left to right Sunray Crest (9/24/17), Mobile Graphics (10/09/17), Apple Farm (11/4/16), The Thruway Trailer Fire (11/9/17), Nolans (7/13/17), Canandaugia House Fire (3/4/17).

Some notable Events include:

Suffering Heat Exhaustion at "Sunray Crest"

Being a part of the 3 Man Helping extinguished the trailer fire during our "Ride with Santa" event

Victor Fire Department Website